My dad will come home and I will be getting my new phone. Then we are going over to one of my dad's friends house. AN d Finally I am having a sleepover with Marissa. That is what I am doing this weekend
My plans for the upcoming 3 day weekend is to go spend the night at my friends house tonight,And then hopefully if its nice friday then i will go ride dirtbikes on the track,and saturday we are going to go to springfield for the day to go to the big skatepark, Then head home then on sunday maybe ride a little dirtbikes then go to carthage to see my moms sister that is in town!
ReplyDeleteGo to the mall and have a Easter dinner with my family.
ReplyDeleteIm going to see the movie "Fast 7" on Friday.
ReplyDeleteI am going to go to my friends house in Clinton and probably play football or basketball.
ReplyDeleteNoThInG aT aLl
ReplyDeleteFurious 7 skating and sleep
ReplyDeletemy cousins are coming up tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteim going t ride my eastern the whole spring
ReplyDeleteplay basketball
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteplay basketball
ReplyDeleteStaying at home and making a Boston Creme Pie and baby sitting my niece and nephew.
ReplyDeleteI plan on going to Oklahoma saturday and thats it.
ReplyDeleteI have no plans. Because I have no life. Just kidding. I'm going to Oklahoma.
ReplyDeletesleep and hanging with my family
ReplyDeleteGo home watch some netflix.
ReplyDeleteIt's my dad weekend. So i'll be with my dad and we are going to my stepmom's mom's house.
ReplyDeleteskateboard up and down Aylor hill
ReplyDelete$ Xbox Live and Netflix $
ReplyDeleteParty at ethans
ReplyDeleteI might spend the night with Kristina Hoxie friday night, be lazy, and go to my Nana and Dadas house for easter.
ReplyDeletesleep eat and have fun
ReplyDeleteSleep, babysit, and have my brothers birthday party.
ReplyDeleteeat candy
ReplyDeleteI'll be at a lakehouse all weekend.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to sleep, eat, & play video games.
ReplyDeleteSleep and eat and get on facebook
ReplyDeleteLay around all weekend and go to Church on Sunday.
ReplyDeleteMy dad will come home and I will be getting my new phone. Then we are going over to one of my dad's friends house. AN d Finally I am having a sleepover with Marissa. That is what I am doing this weekend
ReplyDeleteHang out with friends and baseball
ReplyDeleteeat and sleep
ReplyDeleteUh... well apples... eat apples and sleep
ReplyDeleteUh... well apples... eat apples and sleep
ReplyDeleteI don't know what I'm doing on my 3 day weekend
ReplyDeleteget carpet in my house and move in.
ReplyDeleteGo to Rorys and go to my dads.
ReplyDeleteWhen do i ever have anything to do.....oh yeah never... but i am going to the batting cages and renting them out for 2 hours FUN FUN FUN
ReplyDeleteTo go to my aunts house for easter and sleep and play video games!
ReplyDeleteSoftball on Saturday and then Easter on Sunday
ReplyDeleteidk go somewhere and have fun :P
ReplyDeleteHang out with friends, church, family.
ReplyDeletehang with buds
ReplyDeleteMy plans for the upcoming 3 day weekend is to go spend the night at my friends house tonight,And then hopefully if its nice friday then i will go ride dirtbikes on the track,and saturday we are going to go to springfield for the day to go to the big skatepark, Then head home then on sunday maybe ride a little dirtbikes then go to carthage to see my moms sister that is in town!
ReplyDeletewatching fast and furious 7 and go to church
ReplyDeleteNone :3
ReplyDeletepaint my house
ReplyDeleteHang Out with frineds go fishing
ReplyDeletefinish one tree hill
ReplyDeleteHanging out with friends, then i'm going to my grandparents house for Easter.
ReplyDeleteSleep, eat, watch anime, hangout with family, and do something fun!!! Plus not being stuck inside all day doing homework or anything!!!
ReplyDeleteHanging out go to the movies to go watch Get Hard with the family and to eat and sleep a lot and maybe be able to fit in a round of golf!
ReplyDeleteHangin' with the fam.
ReplyDeleteI am going to spend time with my family in Oklahoma.
ReplyDeletego fishing
ReplyDeleteon day 1: i will watch WWE THURSDAY NIGHT SMACKDOWN.
Deletesleep (:
ReplyDeletesleep & hit bills
ReplyDeleteFish and play xbox.
ReplyDeletedo nothing